A Little More About Why and How I'm Busy
Jan 29, 2025 by E. Joe Brown

Today, as a writer of fiction and memoir and a Western music performer, I continue to join and participate in the writing and music communities. Currently, I'm a member of the Western Writers of America, SouthWest Writers, Oklahoma Writer's Federation, Military Writers Society of America, Corrales Writers Group, International Western Music Association (New Mexico Chapter), and the New Mexico Westerners.
These allow me to spend time with artistic, creative, and wonderful people who enrich my life. I have been or still am on the Boards of Directors of some of these, but I try to be as active as possible in them.
Now, as I said last time, why share this? Are you "braggin' or something?" NO! If anything, I’m showing how crazy I am. Can’t you say no to people, Joe?
My intention is to encourage you to find an organization, institution, or place you can join and give back to. You'll get more from it than you can ever give. Also, because of some of these organizations, I attend conferences and meetings where I may see you this year. I'm hoping so!
Happy Trails,
Joe Brown