The Kelly Oil Company is my brainchild, written in the Kelly Can Saga Series. I don’t believe there was an oil company named Kelly Oil back in the time period of this storyline, but my research has found several that exist today. They spread across the country and none appear focused on discovering, drilling, producing/refining, and distributing oil, as will be the case with the company started by Charlie and Susan Kelly and their partner Hank Thomas.
Skelly Oil - 1920
For those who don't know, I grew up in Cushing, Oklahoma, The "Pipeline Crossroad of the World" Cushing was booming in the oil business at the time of this story and will be a crucial setting for much of the storyline in Book Two, similar to the 101 Ranch in "Destiny." Don’t worry, we"ll not forget the 101, ranch life, and the cowboy world, as it will always be an important part of Charlie’s story. But his and Susan’s venture into the oil business will become a focal point in the second novel.
Charlie’s initial education and experience in oil came from his time working with E. W. Marland supporting the 101 Ranch’s oil interests. But as you read, you’ll soon learn Charlie and Susan met some of the giants in the oil business in Oklahoma at the time. Harry Sinclair, William Skelly, and the young and brash J. Paul Getty will come into the story. The wealthy young couple will already have formed Kelly Oil and seen some success, but meeting these men at the Hotel Tulsa and developing friendships will be very impactful.
Sinclair Oil - Tulsa, Oklahoma
Over the first few months and years of its existence, Kelly Oil will explore and drill in Osage County, Oklahoma, and expand to other parts of the state. They will buy refineries and pipeline companies that will bring them to Cushing, and you'll also see their joint ventures with their new friends.
I won't give too much away, but as happened in Destiny, the oil business and the many millions ($$$) available bring out the worst in some people, and Charlie, Susan, and Hank will have their challenges.