What's Coming Next

It's the right time to discuss the next Kelly Can Series book. My publisher and I met this past weekend and put some final ideas and touches on the manuscript for book two. We are using "A Cowboy's Gusher" as the working title. I am pretty happy with it, so it'll likely be what we use.
As my readers know, near the end of "Destiny" Charlie takes a job as George L. Miller's sidekick, working with E. W. Marland's oil company, supporting the growing oil business on the 101 Ranch. Charlie also marries Susan Kramer-Blackaby. I hope I'm not spoiling it for those who still need to finish book one. In book two, the oil business becomes a more significant part of Charlie and Susan's life.
Also, in book two, you learn much more about the magnitude of the Kramer Group and Susan's father, Walter Kramer's influence on the business world. You'll see the Oklahoma cities of Tulsa and Cushing become essential to the story as the oil business grows in the state and the country.
Don't worry, Western readers, Charlie will never leave being a cowboy. Ranching and ranch life never lose their importance to him. And Susan loves her cowboy!
Charlie's family continues to have importance to the storyline as well. Some of them will take on new roles and grow as the story broadens. A new set of real people from the era come into Charlie and Susan's life. I think you'll enjoy how it all happens in a way you'll smile as you say, "Yep, that coulda happened just that way."
Charlie and Susan deal with a dangerous and life-threatening issue you won't want to miss.
I'm sure enjoying, as a writer, where Charlie and Susan are taking me. I already have over 60,000 words written for what will become books three, four, and five. And storylines for the next five are percolating in my mind already. I have ideas that will take this couple through rearing five kids, getting through the Great Depression, and World War II, and, along with their kids, becoming part of the economic explosion that was the 1950s.
I’ll share some of those ideas next time.
Happy Trails,