What’s Down the Road for Charlie and Susan?
Sep 25, 2023 by E. Joe Brown

Last time, I gave you a peek at what's coming in book two, "A Cowboy's Gusher." I like that title the more I see it. I also mentioned that I have ideas or glimpses of where the storyline may go beyond the three novels I've already started that will follow Gusher. How about I share some of those with you now? I won't give you (intentionally) something that will spoil anything, but I do hope you might get as excited as I am about where we're headed.
I've set nothing in concrete! It can't be. To bring that home to you, Susan didn't exist when I started writing Destiny. Now, I can't imagine Charlie without her. But down the road, I can see a lot happening. Here are some historical things that could be in the storyline of book three through wherever we stop the story.
- The Roaring Twenties – big business, gangsters, aviation, and much more
- Charlie and Susan start a family – five kids – three girls and two boys by 1933
The oil business expanded into California and Texas in the 1920s
Department stores expand across the Southwest
Ups and downs of the beef/agriculture markets
Impact of Tulsa riots on Tulsa and Charlie and Susan
Impact of the Chicago Outfit on Charlie and Susan
Charlie and Susan meet Hollywood
Charlie and Susan acquire ranches
Result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929
Impact of the Great Depression
Impact of World War II
Expansion of banking to both coasts (California and Boston area)
Growth of the railroad into the 1940s
Growth in real estate and construction industries wherever Charlie and Susan venture
Charlie and Susan deal with medical and personal tragedies
Does Charlie or a family member get into politics?
All that made the 1950s a time the baby boomers love to remember
As you can see, there are many amazing things we can work with, and I've already addressed some of these in books two through five. I can't wait for you to read them and experience the Kelly Can Saga, which is the lives of Charlie and Susan Kelly.
Happy Trails,